Bộ 10+ Mẫu Expository Essay + Hướng Dẫn Cách Viết MIỄN PHÍ

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Expository essay là một khái niệm quen thuộc đối với các bạn sinh viên theo học hệ đào tạo chất lượng cao và chương trình liên kết quốc tế. Tuy nhiên, để đạt được kết quả cao khi triển khai bài luận này thì không phải ai cũng biết. Tham khảo ngay các mẫu Expository Essay được Luận Văn Việt chia sẻ trong bài viết dưới đây nhé! 

Bộ 10+ Mẫu Expository Essay + Hướng Dẫn Cách Viết MIỄN PHÍ
Bộ 10+ Mẫu Expository Essay + Hướng Dẫn Cách Viết MIỄN PHÍ

1. Expository Essay là gì?

Expository Essay là một dạng văn bản học thuật yêu cầu người viết sử dụng các bằng chứng thực tế để điều tra hoặc giải thích một chủ đề, sự vật hay hiện tượng cụ thể nào đó.

Expository Essay có vai trò đặc biệt quan trọng đối với các bạn sinh viên. Dạng bài này thường  được các thầy cô đưa ra khi muốn kiểm tra và đánh giá kết quả học tập cuối kỳ. Bài luận này không đòi hỏi người viết phải đưa ra ý kiến về chủ đề mà chỉ cần giữ thái độ trung lập và phân tích các bằng chứng thực tế. 

Expository Essay được chia thành năm loại như sau: 

  • Cause and effect essays: Đây là bài luận trình bày các nguyên nhân, lý do của một sự vật, hiện tượng nào đó. Đồng thời là tác động, ảnh hưởng của những nguyên nhân đó đến vấn đề đưa ra ở đề tài.
  • Compare and contrast essays: Là bài luận so sánh điểm giống và khác nhau giữa các sự vật, hiện tượng, vấn đề. Đặc biệt, trong bài viết, tác giả cần đảm bảo tính trung lập, không thiên vị. 
  • Descriptive essay: Là bài luận đưa ra những khái niệm, định nghĩa về một sự vật, hiện tượng nào đó. Bài viết thường được trình bày một cách khoa học, dễ hiểu giúp người đọc có thêm hiểu biết về các khái niệm, thuật ngữ quan trọng.
  • Problem and solution essay: Đây là dạng bài viết đòi hỏi người viết phải làm sáng tỏ một vấn đề cụ thể và phân tích về các giải pháp tiềm năng cho vấn đề nêu lên. 
  • Process essay: Loại bài luận này chia nhỏ quy trình thành từng bước đơn giản hơn nhằm thể hiện một chu trình hoặc hướng dẫn người đọc làm một việc gì đó. 

2. Expository Essay outline

Expository Essay outline
Expository Essay outline

Dưới đây là hướng dẫn cách viết bài Expository Essay theo cấu trúc chuẩn nhất của Luận Văn Việt: 

2.1. Introduction

Trong phần giới thiệu, bạn hãy trình bày chủ đề bài luận và luận điểm của mình, có thể thu hút người đọc bằng các sự kiện hấp dẫn. Bên cạnh đó, bạn cũng nên giới thiệu những bằng chứng hỗ trợ bài luận và tất cả bối cảnh cần thiết để giúp người đọc dễ dàng hiệu luận điểm của bạn. 

2.2. Body Paragraphs

Phần thân của bài luận là nơi trình bày chi tiết về quy trình, ý tưởng hay chủ đề mà người viết lựa chọn. Nội dung này thường bao gồm ba đoạn văn (Có thể nhiều hơn, tùy thuộc vào độ dài của toàn bài luận). 

Điều quan trọng là phải đảm bảo rằng mỗi đoạn bao gồm chủ đề được xác định rõ ràng của riêng nó, được giới thiệu bằng một câu chủ đề. Các chủ đề khác nhau (tất cả đều liên quan đến chủ đề chung của bài luận) nên được trình bày theo thứ tự hợp lý, có sự chuyển tiếp rõ ràng giữa các đoạn.

2.3. Conclusion

Phần kết luận đòi hỏi người viết phải trình bày lại luận điểm, nhấn mạnh cho người đọc dễ dàng nắm bắt nội dung. Đồng thời, bạn cần tóm tắt lại một lần nữa các vấn đề và giải pháp đã được đưa ra ở phần thân bài. Sau đó rút ra nhận định riêng của mình. 

Hiện nay, việc nghiên cứu và viết bài essay, assignment trở nên thuận lợi hơn nhờ vào sự phong phú của các nguồn thông tin có sẵn. Tuy nhiên, nhiều sinh viên vẫn gặp khó khăn trong quá trình làm bài vì nhiều nguyên nhân khác nhau. Để đáp ứng nhu cầu này, Luận Văn Việt cung cấp dịch vụ nhận làm bài assignment , essay chuyên nghiệp. Với đội ngũ chuyên gia có hơn 20 năm kinh nghiệm, chúng tôi cam kết mang đến cho bạn trải nghiệm tốt nhất có thể.

3. 5 Expository Essay mẫu – Free download

Dưới đây là 5 Expository Essay mẫu bạn có thể tham khảo và áp dụng cho bài luận của mình: 

3.1. Mẫu expository essay: Cause and effect

Topic: The Rise of Teenage Gangs and Their Consequences

Teenagers constantly look for the place they belong. Isn’t it everyone’s dream to belong to a certain group of people, to find like-minded individuals and feel accepted? Unfortunately, a vast majority of teenagers take a wrong turn and get lost on their path to acceptance. It is not uncommon for them to join teen gangs feeling like their members understand them, but that is far from the truth. The rise of teenage gangs is a major problem nowadays. But how serious this problem really is? Consequences of gang membership can scar a person for life in several ways.

Youth, teenage, or juvenile gang is defined as an organized group of adolescents and/or young adults who rely on group intimidation and violence to commit criminal acts with the purpose to gain power, recognition, and control. The rise of teenage gangs is perfectly explained in a study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health wherein researchers discovered there were 1,059,000 youth gang members in the United States in 2010. Moreover, on a yearly basis 401,000 juveniles join gangs. The primary reason why this staggering number of gang members goes unnoticed is due to the fact that they may not conform to popular perceptions of teen gang demographics.

Another potential reason why the total number of gangs and gang members keeps increasing is because a great majority of crimes they commit usually goes unreported. As a result, government officials find it difficult to gather exact data about this growing issue. Youth gang members primarily focus on their peers, bully them, and force them to say nothing in order to avoid harsher consequences.

When discussing the issue of youth crime groups, one must wonder how one decides to join them. Risk factors that enhance a teenager’s odds of joining a gang include drug or alcohol  abuse, negative influences, peer pressure, a strong desire for recognition and belonging, lack of parental supervision, and limited attachment to the community. Most adults do not take this problem seriously enough and, usually, consider it as just another phase that the teenagers go through. However, the American Journal of Public Health published research showing that gang membership in adolescence has severe consequences in adulthood, long after a person leaves the gang. Besides higher likelihood of criminal activities, people who were gang members in adolescence also experienced financial issues and were in poor health in adulthood.

While most teenagers have a strong urge to feel accepted by their peers, others seek solace and comfort or escape from their difficult family life in gangs. Although the current data shows the staggering number of gang members it is assumed the problem could be even more severe as most of them do not fit into the gang demographics and many crimes are not reported.

Finally, there is a growing need for the entire society to take necessary measures and work on this issue. If not, the consequences could be far more severe.

3.2. Mẫu expository essay: Compare and contrast 

Topic: Contrast between Backpacking or Staying in Hotels 

Traveling is a hobby which many people now enjoy. It is a hobby which is becoming more and more popular as opportunities for travel become greater. These days there are several ways to travel around the world; two of the most common are backpacking and staying in hotels. There are two main differences between backpacking and staying in hotels; cost and safety. 

First, backpacking is quite different from staying in hotels regarding costs and safety. To begin with, backpacking has been popular for many years with young people who do not have a lot of money to spend on traveling. By backpacking, people can save a lot of money and see many more places than if they spent the same money staying in a hotel. Furthermore, as backpackers will need to sleep in a hostel or outside in a tent while backpacking, there will always be an issue of safety and security because backpackers sleep in the same area as other people, many of whom they do not know.

Second, staying in hotels, on the other hand, differs from backpacking in terms of cost and safety. Unlike backpacking, staying in hotels requires a lot more money. Hotels are one of the most comfortable ways of traveling, but only if you have enough money. By staying at a hotel people will spend much more money than they would spend in a hostel. In addition, a hotel provides a higher level of security to the traveler. Hotels require specific security details such as flight, credit cards or passport numbers to ensure the correct identification of their customers. 

In brief, there are differences in cost and safety between backpacking and staying in hotels. The world is a much smaller place than it used to be, many people have the opportunity to travel and they have many ways in which to travel. People should consider their budget and take responsibility for their own safety and go out and see the world.

3.3. Mẫu expository essay: Descriptive 

Topic: Bungee Jumping

Last year, I went to a secret place in Australia called “Dolphin Valley”. There I found the perfect thing to do, bungee jumping!!! I had never done it before this trip and found it to be a sensational experience that I would like to do again in the future.

The bungee area is located on a bridge surrounded by giant trees. Big rocks and sand dunes everywhere. On the way to the bridge I was a little nervous. When I got there, I was so scared that my knees were about to give up on me. Then the owner came out and asked how old I am and if I have any previous experience. He weighed me and measured my height. Finally, he gave me the seal of approval to perform the jump. Boy is I scared! Next, he strapped giant dumbbells to my ankles, like medium-sized bowling balls. Then he attached a long bungee cord to the weights. Last but not least, I had to wear a bright yellow helmet to protect my head.

Now it’s time for the real jump. The owner told me to dance when he said “Go!!” He also gave me some helpful advice about not looking down. As soon as he said that, I looked down and what I saw was a large river and sharp jagged rocks. I closed my eyes and when I opened them the owner started counting, “One… two… three… GO!” I jumped down and my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. Finally, I opened my eyes and everything turned upside down. I bounced once or twice and that was it. I felt a rush of excitement run through my entire body, this continued until I was back on firm ground.

As soon as I got back to the bridge, I knew I made it. It was the best feeling I have ever experienced. To this day, it remains an important experience in my life and one that I would highly recommend to others who, like me, are adventurous.

3.4. Mẫu expository essay: Problem and solution essay

Topic: No More Traffic Jams

There is nothing worse than being trapped in your car, waiting in the middle of a traffic jam. It is frustrating, knowing that there is nothing you can do and that you are going to be late to work. Traffic jams often occur during rush hour or right after a large event because there are more cars on the road than normal. Traffic jams can also be caused by car accidents or road construction. They usually occur on major roads that many people use to travel to work or school. Traffic jams are a problem because they make people late for work or school, they can cause car accidents, and they are frustrating. How can we reduce the number of traffic jams? Possible solutions include carpooling or using public transportation. The best way to solve traffic jams is by using public transportation because it will be efficient, economical, and reliable.

First, using public transportation is efficient. A bus is a very efficient way to move lots of people from one place to another using only one vehicle. Instead of having one vehicle for each person on the road, buses take many cars off the road as people ride together. Trains are even more efficient at reducing the number of cars on the road. Because trains have their own dedicated rail system to get people around, all of the cars are eliminated without adding any more traffic to the roads. Not only are buses and trains more efficient at carrying passengers, but time spent on a bus or a train is more efficient for the passenger. This encourages more people to use public transportation. It is easy to see how efficient public transportation is and the impact that it has on reducing traffic.

Another reason that public transportation is the best solution to traffic jams is because it is so economical. People want to use public transportation instead of driving their own car because they can save money. Public transportation usually does not cost very much, especially for people who use it often. There are discounts for seniors and students, which makes it an even more economical way for these groups to travel around town. Using public transportation also eliminates the need to pay for parking, car insurance, and car maintenance, not to mention gasoline. All of the expenses related to owning a car are replaced with one simple fare. Because it is so economical, public transportation is a good solution to traffic jams by encouraging more people to travel together and reduce the number of cars on the road.

Finally, public transportation is the best solution because it is reliable. Many people set up carpools to reduce traffic, but this is only a temporary solution. Every time someone has a change in their schedule, the carpool needs to be adjusted. For example, if someone has to go to the doctor or sleeps in, the carpool will not work that day. If someone changes jobs or transfers to a new school, the carpool will need to be adjusted again. Public transportation, on the other hand, is more reliable. The bus and train schedules don’t change every time that one rider needs to go to the doctor. The schedules are set and people can plan on them. People who use public transportation will find that it is reliable and can help limit the number of cars on the road.

Because it is efficient, economical, and reliable, public transportation is the best way to reduce the number of traffic jams. There are other possible ways to address this problem, but using public transportation is clearly the best. Traffic jams during very busy hours on the road can be reduced and more people can get to work on time and avoid the frustration caused by sitting in the middle of a long line of cars. Cities and governments should consider ways to improve their public transportation system and encourage more people to use it. If they do, they will surely see fewer traffic jams on their roads and much happier drivers.

3.5. Mẫu expository essay: Process essay

Topic: How to Live a Happy Life

People are always searching for things that make them happy. For example, many people work very hard to improve their employment because they want to find a better job to make themselves happy. Other people search for happiness by purchasing things they want. It is not bad to search for happiness, but many people do not understand that lasting happiness does not depend on having certain things. It doesn’t depend on the circumstances of a person’s life. It depends more on how life is lived and people are loved. There are things that people can do to live a happy life regardless of their situation. In order to live a happy life, people should build relationships, be grateful, and help others.

The first thing that people should do to live a happy life is build relationships with other people. Building relationships can include both making new friends and strengthening relationships that already exist with friends and family members. These relationships lead to greater happiness because people who have strong connections with other people are less lonely, especially in difficult times. They have people who they can talk to and people who can offer comfort to them. Another reason that strong connections can increase happiness is that they create a network of people who can offer advice. Knowing that there are friends who can offer this advice to help solve a problem can help people feel happier. Strong relationships also lead to greater feelings of belonging and security, which in turn, lead to greater happiness. Building these relationships is an essential step to living a happy life.

In addition to nurturing relationships, people who want to be happy should be grateful. People who are grateful open their eyes to see all of the good things in their lives, and they express gratitude to people who help them. Many people have noticed that by opening their eyes to see the good things they have and choosing to have gratitude, their perspective changes. They spend more time focusing on positive thoughts instead of focusing on things that are negative or difficult. Thoughts create perspective, so intentionally creating positive thoughts will lead to a more positive perspective. Regardless of struggles they have, they choose to focus on the gifts they can see. Gratitude can change people’s perspective and help them be happier, regardless of their situation.

Finally, serving others can make people happier. Serving others can include doing simple things like listening to a friend who is having a hard time or preparing a meal to share with someone who is sick. These simple acts not only improve another person’s life, but they also bring happiness to the person who is serving. This happiness is a natural result of lifting another person’s burden. Helping others also helps in the other areas of building happiness: it strengthens relationships with others and it helps people feel more gratitude. When people serve others, they can become good friends by showing how much they care and want to help. People feel more gratitude because when they see the problems other people face, they find ways that their life is blessed. Serving others is an essential key to living a happier life.

If people want to have a happier life, they should serve others, be grateful, and strengthen their relationships with other people. Each of these things focuses on people and perspective rather than money and material possessions. People bring joy to other people in a way that possessions can never imitate. Perspective can make a lasting impact on a person’s life in a way that a promotion simply can’t. Regardless of the circumstances of an individual’s life, that individual can choose to focus on happiness in a real, genuine way if he wants to. Finding lasting happiness is really a simple search. That search begins as soon as people start looking beyond temporary things that only bring temporary happiness.

Với 10+ mẫu expository essay mẫu mà Luận Văn Việt chia sẻ trên đây, mong rằng bạn đọc sẽ tham khảo, áp dụng và đạt được kết quả cao cho bài luận của mình. 

Đừng quên cập nhật những tin tức thú vị tại website của Luận Văn Việt hoặc liên hệ qua số điện thoại 0915 686 999, email: luanvanviet.group@gmail.com để được tư vấn, hỗ trợ dịch vụ một cách nhanh chóng nhất. 

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